Use smartphone as remote control
Your car,television,air conditioner etc.have remote controls.If your remote become complaint it is very difficult to work those..It will more comfort if all these can be control by a single remote.Universal remote control is one such remote,but if you samsung smart phone then it will be enough.the application which help to use the smartphone as remote control has been directed by Krestone company.The application works on the basis of wifi.We can control also from out side of the house. The basic app can be download for free,but he developed application can be dowloaded only by paying 5000 rupees.Some of the applications are given below
Viper smart start
This application will help to use the smart phone as a remote to lock and unlock door of cars.This is applicable in ios and blackberry phones.
Crestone apps
Television,air conditioner,music player can be control by smartphone with the help of crestone apps.Basic verision is for free and pro version costs 5000 rupees.Applicable in android phones.
G mode app
G mode is used to control personal computer.For this first install g mode claint application.Then install g mode servor on pc.
Touch mouse
The new application by logitech can be used to use the iphone and ipad as touch pad or track pad.