Saturday, 16 November 2013

10 pieces of diamond in the world

1 The Hope Diamond
The most expensive diamond in the world and there are some pieces are among the most valuable pieces are sold every day to either their or their falling into the hands of the wealthy or that it originally belonged to one of the Royal families desperately hope-

2. The Golden Jubilee Diamond
Urgent hope is not only one of the most famous gemstones in the world, but also one of the largest Blue diamond pieces as weighing more than 112 carats. You might think that the only material value but in reality their historical importance is priceless. It's old, so no one knows exactly when it was discovered. In 1668 was owned by Jean-Baptiste tavernier, the French where traveled across India and bought, and sold it to King Louis XIV in France. The price today is estimated at $ 250 million. 2. The Golden Jubilee Diamond Jubilee:

3. The Cullinan 1
The Golden Jubilee is the largest diamond in the world and this caliber urgent 454.67 carats, was discovered in 1985 in the largest diamond mine in South Africa, initially considered dire dark ugly figure was Gabriel tolkovski has received this large diamond for use in inspection and testing of some new equipment and tools used to cut diamonds and the result was amazing and it turns out that the dark-coloured diamonds combine Brown and yellow and remained so without the name that was given as a gift to the King of Thailand The 1997 Christmas dinners in the country, hence the name of the Golden Jubilee.

4.The Idols Eye
Of the most famous diamonds in the world is kalingham 1 this was an urgent imperative is the largest in the world before the discovery of the Golden Jubilee diamond was dubbed the star of Africa, this fruit resembles PEAR diamond, the largest diamond among the nine diamonds were trimmed from larger crystals natural ore in the whole world 3106.75 carats, and is now one of the largest diamonds in the Crown of the Crown could be removed and used as a decorative clip brooch.

5. The Spirit Of de Grisogono:
This sparkler is more cut diamonds of mystery and wonder in the world and is still its history unknown and no one knows where to come and when discovered and owned the only reference to it is just repeating the name ein Idol, and your name as a comment on Christie's auction Hall and one of the most important qualities they desperately large very purity and serenity and free from defects. Some sources have stated that these urgent bought unknown man then disappeared for several years and persons who acquired that owned Lawrence Graff in 1979 to 1983 to sell an unknown buyer is still in his possession.

6. Mount the light / Koh-1-noor
This is one of the most popular diamond cut diamond in the world, and is known as the largest black diamond 312.24 carats, this sparkler Swiss jeweler name deducted weimtklha currently a market for gems and precious stones called collector's gems (lucky person Fortunate Person).

7. The Orlov:
This is one of the oldest known diamonds diamond in the world and was said to be over 2,000 years old that existed before the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him) but some documentation is found in the early 14th century, the first written mention of the urgent notes baburnama Indian first Governor from the Mongols. And then deliberated the pressing hands several difficult names of this urgent historical and had enough to say they went to England in the nineteenth century and owned by Queen Victoria as the luster was not complete, the Queen ordered the refined, leading to cut and trim the process lost 43 percent of its weight and then been post-prosthetic at the front of the Crown of the Queen and of course the Indian Government silenced the loss one of the most luxurious decadence and this is still India Demanding the return of the precious diamond to them but to no avail.

8. The Florentine diamond
This is critical of most sparklers interesting and controversy in the world, and the walls pressing a lot of ambiguity and confusion, question marks, and reportedly stolen from an ancient idols which was the one eye of the statue and the still unanswered questions list of questions about what happened to the other eye of the statue and the second question was about whether this particular mountain of light is diamond No. 6 and the third question revolves around whether this is given much larger Mughal Lost forever in past centuries which will Baptist Jian taverner and ever since then and lost for centuries until today, whatever the truth, that is now in the possession of Orlov the Russian Government and is part of the ruling and the Mace-189-Carat Diamond, however the most important related not only value but historical value.

9.The Heat Of Eternity:
This Diamond surrounded by lots of mystery yellow slant to the greenness and calibre 137 carats and dating from the reign of the Duke of borghandi in the 15th century CE, but the Duke was killed in one of the battles, wearing a diamond stolen by one of the farmers and sold them cheaply is fluorine because I think it's made of glass and moved this sparkler from hand to hand and sold cheap Massa became the property of the family of the Medici, with the death of the last member of the family went to Vienna and became one of the Habsburg Crown jewels after the end of the first world war robbed this urgent and did not find her remains, though much imitation was found completely and many believe it urgent lost due to the great similarity between the Florentine diamond.

10. The MoussaieFF Red:
Found this great romantic name caliber 27 carats in a mining South Africa is attractive beautiful blue colour which makes it rare is because this color pics. This bullet was urgent 777 carats when discovered for the first time and continued drilling eager miners hoping to find other similar diamonds but they found nothing, but experts say it is unlikely such crucial discovery during hundreds of years to come.

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