Thursday, 14 November 2013

Eight healthy drinks increase your health, your fitness and your concentration

Eight healthy drinks: do you want to have a stronger immune system and a mild temperament and fitness high and when you think of the best drinks you would respond immediately with water, but there are many other drinks and liquids that are worth adding to your diet "are some drinks that have tremendous health benefits from the treatment or prevention of some minor health problems like a dyspepsia and protection from dangerous ones such as osteoporosis" eight selections easy to swallow!

1. Green tea: benefits: reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and cavities. Green tea contains a high concentration of the subjects "Flavonoids & Polyphenols, natural antioxidants that protect cells from the cancer and tumor growth by helping with neutral free radicals in the body. Antioxidants found in green tea also protect from heart disease by working on relaxation of the blood vessels and prevents the blood clots can help and stimulate the heart attack and stroke. Green tea also contains fluoride which strengthens teeth and likewise also a "flavonoidz" that builds bone and reduces green tea risk of osteoporosis and tooth decay.

2. mint tea, benefits: relieves cramping and protects from indigestion to the Mint antispasmodic and muscle relaxants to make fighting stiff and her pain. Peppermint tea helps digestion by stimulating intestinal movement of food through the digestive tract.

3. skim milk 1%, benefits: helps protect from osteoporosis because it contains healthy ingredients from carbohydrates, proteins and little fat absorbed by the human body slowly but the effect remains for a long period of time. It also helps the milk on blood sugar stability, as a source of calcium because it contains vitamin d which is important to maximize the absorption of calcium and also helps the body to stop fat storage and modern studies have shown that women who consume three-four amounts of low-fat dairy products (milk, of course) lose almost twice the weight of those they consume fewer dairy products, calcium makes your cells burn fat rather than store it "and this makes the goal of maintaining weight and an easy target. -Calories = 120/8 ounces, ounces = about 31 grams)

4-soy milk benefits: reduces the chances of exposure to heart disease, because soy milk contains soluble fiber, soy protein reduces cholesterol low density (wehomadl for bad cholesterol) and tri-alglsrid, also reduces the risk of vascular disease. If I drank soy milk instead of cow's milk have been rich in calcium, vitamin a and vitamin d. Soy milk contains the article "Phytoestrogens" this warning because this article linked to susceptibility for breast cancer so you must consult a doctor before drinking soy milk if women inherited the family history of breast cancer. -Calories = 81/8 ounces).

5. Hot chocolate, benefits: modify mood and protect against heart disease. More chocolate from secreting "serotonin" and is responsible for regulating mood (low levels of serotonin are associated with depression), and cocoa are rich in Polyphenols, "" an antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage that lowers cholesterol ratios, high density (good cholesterol) and that put a person at risk for heart attacks. -Calories = 195/8 ounces of homemade cocoa, 115/powder blend.

6. Tomato juice few salts, its benefits: protects many cancers, and tomato products processing are the richest source of antioxidant (lycopene, Lycopene), which is associated with reduced exposure to diseases of the lung and the stomach and the esophagus and pancreas and the mouth and breast and cervical cancer. Lycopene also protects the lung and heart damage of oxidation and prevent cardiovascular diseases. -Calories = 31/6 oz.

7. Raspberry juice, benefits: prevent gum disease, the research showed that same anti-bacterial properties and Sir Mulberry fights infection urinary tract. The theory that the berry juice component "Nondialysable material prevents from adhesion of bacteria in the gums. But nutritionists worry the fruit juice to sugar so you are advised not to consume more than one cup a day (6-8 ounces). -Calories = 140/8 oz.

8. Orange juice, its benefits: protects against cataracts and cancer and congenital malformations and activates the immune system, an important source of vitamin c. Orange juice is also an antioxidant that protects many diseases including cataracts (the cloud formed on the lens of the eye, which can lead to blindness), lung cancer. Vitamin c protects from oxidative damage that makes cancerous cells and strengthens the function of immune cells and the body fight infections, and orange juice is a good source llvolat which prevents nerve Canal abnormalities of embryos and if you want to protect the bone you can try calcium-fortified orange juice. -Calories = 115/8 oz.

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